[Linux-Biella] about https and gdpr and sob and tdc vari

PaulTT paultt a bilug.it
Ven 4 Maggio 2018 15:31:45 CEST

On 24/04/2018 15:59, Paolo Ciarrocchi wrote:
> ...
> Corretto, GDPR suggerisce l'uso di encryption ma non c'è un vero obbligo:
>     "...implement measures to mitigate those risks, such as 
> encryption." (P51. (83))
>     "...appropriate safeguards, which may include encryption" (P121 (4.e))
>     "...including inter alia as appropriate: (a) the pseudonymisation 
> and encryption of personal data." (P160 (1a))
>     "...unintelligible to any person who is not authorised to access 
> it, such as encryption" (P163 (3a))
> Ciao,
> -- 
> Paolo
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It is a good day to die. But the day is not yet over.

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