[Linux-Biella] Android - black listing particolare
paultt a bilug.it
Lun 26 Feb 2018 14:51:38 CET
On 23/02/2018 18:14, Leonardo Buffa wrote:
> On 23/02/2018 18:04, Paolo Ciarrocchi wrote:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12929489/android-incoming-call-auto-answer-play-a-audio-file
>> "What you are talking about is not exactly possible with android.
>> Android has no access to the in-call audio stream."
> l'avevo letto ma non ha senso
android fa cacca :D
metti la sim in un frerunner e usa quello ;P
o aspetti che esca il librem, io sto attendendo con ansia
It is a good day to die. But the day is not yet over.
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