[Linux-Biella] Microsoft rilascierà distribuzione Linux per IoT

Carolina Maiorana c.maiorana a bilug.it
Gio 19 Apr 2018 08:36:20 CEST

On 18. april 2018 16:57, Paolo Ciarrocchi wrote:
> https://venturebeat.com/2018/04/16/microsoft-doubles-down-on-iot-security-with-azure-sphere/
>> Microsoft announced a new program called Azure Sphere today aimed at better securing the millions of devices coming online as part of the internet of things (IoT) that are powered by microcontrollers. And it includes a previously unthinkable move: Microsoft is launching a custom Linux kernel.
> Ciao,

Scherzi a parte, se cambiano filosofia tanto meglio, basta che non 
facciano di nuovo come per il simil-bash...


I hail from the great, white North

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