[Linux-Biella] upgrade
paultt a bilug.it
Ven 26 Ago 2016 12:02:50 CEST
On 03/08/2016 10:23, Lorenzo Del Vecchio wrote:
> Ho lanciato l'upgrade che si blocca sul seguente messaggio:
> In addition to the fix for CVE-2016-4463 this update enables
> applications to
> fully disable DTD processing through the use of an environment variable.
> .
> XERCES_DISABLE_DTD set to "1" will cause the scanner to report a
> fatal error
> if a DTD is seen. Existing applications won't see any change.
> -- Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil a debian.org
> <mailto:carnil a debian.org>> Tue, 28 Jun 2016 16:50:55 +0200
> mark:
> Cosa devo fare?
niente direi
ma lo avrai gia' fatto ormai :D
It is a good day to die. But the day is not yet over.
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