[Linux-Biella] Bash on windows
vallini.daniele a bilug.it
vallini.daniele a bilug.it
Dom 17 Apr 2016 22:12:03 CEST
Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 09:31:42PM +0200 Marco Givonetti ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> no devi scaricare il pacchetto completo (windows subsytem for linux),
> comunque tutta la discussione si trova qua:
> http://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/
Questo e' contenuto in quanto mi indichi:
There are some limitations here. This won’t work with server software,
and it won’t work with graphical software. It’s intended for developers
who want to run Linux command-line utilities on Windows. These
applications get access to the Windows file system, but you can’t use
Bash commands to automate normal Windows programs, or launch Bash
commands from the standard Windows command-line. They get access to the
same Windows file system, but that’s it. Not every command-line
application will work, either, as this feature is still in beta.
Temo uno scherzo da primo di Aprile, quell'accrocchio, se esiste, mi pare
lontanissima dalla bash (ora dash).
Consiglierei a chi vuole conoscere veramente la potenza della shell di
linux di fare la cosa piu' elementare: lasciar perdere windows ed
installare linux.
Scoprirebbe che anche molto altro funziona perfettamente, sicuramente e
con limitate risorse hardware e software.
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