[Linux-Biella] openSUSE Leap 42.1

.: Federico Villa (Villinux) villinux a gmail.com
Ven 6 Nov 2015 22:01:41 CET

2015-11-05 14:43 GMT+01:00 Fiorenza Meini <f.meini a bilug.it>:
> Ecco qui la spiegazione:
> "The wait is over and a new era begins for openSUSE releases.
> Contributors, friends and fans can now download the first Linux hybrid
> distro openSUSE Leap 42.1. Since the last release, exactly one year
> ago, openSUSE transformed its development process to create an
> entirely new type of hybrid Linux distribution called openSUSE Leap.
> Version 42.1 is the first version of openSUSE Leap that uses source
> from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) providing a level of stability that
> will prove to be unmatched by other Linux distributions. Bonding
> community development and enterprise reliability provides more
> cohesion for the project and its contributor’s maintenance updates.
> openSUSE Leap will benefit from the enterprise maintenance effort and
> will have some of the same packages and updates as SLE, which is
> different from previous openSUSE versions that created separate
> maintenance streams.
> Community developers provide an equal level of contribution to Leap
> and upstream projects to the release, which bridges a gap between
> matured packages and newer packages found in openSUSE’s other
> distribution Tumbleweed.
> Since the move was such a shift from previous versions, a new version
> number and version naming strategy was adapted to reflect the change.
> The SLE sources come from SUSE’s soon to be released SLE 12 Service
> Pack 1 (SP1). The naming strategy is SLE 12 SP1 or 12.1 + 30 =
> openSUSE Leap 42.1. Many have asked why 42, but SUSE and openSUSE have
> a tradition of starting big ideas with a four and two, a reference to
> The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
> Every minor version of openSUSE Leap users can expect a new KDE and
> GNOME, but today is all about openSUSE Leap 42.1, so if you are tired
> of a brown desktop, try a green one."

La cosa è assai interessante allora.


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