[Linux-Biella] openSUSE Leap 42.1

Fiorenza Meini f.meini a bilug.it
Gio 5 Nov 2015 14:43:17 CET

Il 05/11/2015 09:01, .: Federico Villa (Villinux) ha scritto:
> hola!
> Continuano le mie tappe di avvicinamento a openSUSE...
> E' da poco uscita la versione stabile openSUSE Leap 42.1...
> ma non capisco la numerazione, perchè quella precedente era la 13.2!
> Perchè?
> grazie,
> fede

Ecco qui la spiegazione:

"The wait is over and a new era begins for openSUSE releases.
Contributors, friends and fans can now download the first Linux hybrid
distro openSUSE Leap 42.1. Since the last release, exactly one year
ago, openSUSE transformed its development process to create an
entirely new type of hybrid Linux distribution called openSUSE Leap.

Version 42.1 is the first version of openSUSE Leap that uses source
from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) providing a level of stability that
will prove to be unmatched by other Linux distributions. Bonding
community development and enterprise reliability provides more
cohesion for the project and its contributor’s maintenance updates.
openSUSE Leap will benefit from the enterprise maintenance effort and
will have some of the same packages and updates as SLE, which is
different from previous openSUSE versions that created separate
maintenance streams.

Community developers provide an equal level of contribution to Leap
and upstream projects to the release, which bridges a gap between
matured packages and newer packages found in openSUSE’s other
distribution Tumbleweed.

Since the move was such a shift from previous versions, a new version
number and version naming strategy was adapted to reflect the change.
The SLE sources come from SUSE’s soon to be released SLE 12 Service
Pack 1 (SP1). The naming strategy is SLE 12 SP1 or 12.1 + 30 =
openSUSE Leap 42.1. Many have asked why 42, but SUSE and openSUSE have
a tradition of starting big ideas with a four and two, a reference to
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Every minor version of openSUSE Leap users can expect a new KDE and
GNOME, but today is all about openSUSE Leap 42.1, so if you are tired
of a brown desktop, try a green one."


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