[Linux-Biella] Intervista a Torvalds sui brevetti (+google)
Daniele Segato
daniele.bilug a gmail.com
Lun 7 Nov 2011 10:42:08 CET
On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 10:24 +0100, Daniele Segato wrote:
> Non che mi aspettassi qualcosa di diverso :)
> "[...]
> It’s like using English words but there are different meanings to them.
> [...]
> Software patents? No. Process patents? No. They just don't make sense.
> [...]
> SCO was a classic example of that. [...] 10 years! I don't know how many
> hundreds and millions of dollars IBM and Novell spent on fighting
> completely bogus crap stuff;
> [...]"
> http://www.muktware.com/news/2866
> poi beh.. se non concludeva cosė: "I mean Java I really don't care
> about. What a horrible language. What a horrible VM. So, I am like
> whatever, you are barking about all this crap, go away. I don't care."
> avrei anche potuto dire che quotavo tutto :)
aggiungo il parere di Google: Microsoft usa i brevetti quando i suoi
prodotti smettono di avere successo
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