[Linux-Biella] [OT] Windows 7
Raffaele Salmaso
raffaele.salmaso a gmail.com
Mer 4 Feb 2009 13:00:32 CET
Paolo Ciarrocchi wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Paul TT <paultt a bilug.linux.it> wrote:
> Paul,
> quando devi parlare male di Microsoft ti si chiude la vena.
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2009/feb09/02-03NetbooksQA.mspx?rss_fdn=Top+Stories
> Ciao,
"These engineering investments allow small notebook PCs to run any
version of Windows 7, and allow customers complete flexibility to
purchase a system which meets their needs. *For OEMs that build
lower-cost small notebook PCs, Windows 7 Starter will now be available
in developed markets*. For the most enhanced, full-functioning Windows
experience on small notebook PCs, however, consumers will want to go
with Windows 7 Home Premium, which lets you get the most out of your
digital media and easily connect with other PCs."
Mi sembra che abbia confermato che il default previsto sia win 7 starter
edition (cioč la versione castrata)...
PS: mi sembra ovvio che poi, pagando anche caro, ci puoi mettere +o-
quello che ti pare, ma non č quello il punto. Anche vista se ti chiami
()_() | That said, I didn't actually _test_ my patch. | +----
(o.o) | That's what users are for! | +---+
'm m' | (Linus Torvalds) | O |
(___) | raffaele at salmaso punto org |
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