AW: RE: [Linux-Biella] Scheda di rete [addenda]

Luca Bertoncello
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:26 +0100

CIARROCCHI, Paolo, VF-IT <> schrieb:

> AMD 79C970/970A (PCnet-PCI)
> Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32 

OK! Quindi questo e' il nome del modulo, giusto?

> This is the PCnet-PCI -- similar to the PCnet-32, but designed for PCI
> bus based systems. Please see the above PCnet-32 information. This means
> that you need to build a kernel with PCI BIOS support enabled. The '970A
> adds full duplex support along with some other features to the original
> '970 design. 

Mi fa piacere...

> Note that the Boca implementation of the 79C970 fails on fast Pentium
> machines. This is a hardware problem, as it affects DOS users as well.
> See the Boca section for more details. 

Cosa sarebbe questo Boca?
