[Linux-Biella] Scheda di rete [addenda]
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:22:17 +0100
> From: Luca Bertoncello [mailto:lucabert@lucabert.de]
> Il problema ora e' il seguente: cosa devo attivare?
> Cio' che vedo con un "cat /proc/pci" e' un bel:
> Bus 0, device 14, function 0:
> Ethernet controller: AMD 79C970 (rev 2).
> Medium devsel. IRQ 11. Master Capable. No bursts.
> I/O at 0xd800 [0xd801]
> Qualcuno mi sa' dire che opzione devo attivare nel Kernel per
> vedere questa scheda? Vorrei evitare di provarle tutte...
AMD 79C970/970A (PCnet-PCI)
Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32
This is the PCnet-PCI -- similar to the PCnet-32, but designed for PCI
bus based systems. Please see the above PCnet-32 information. This means
that you need to build a kernel with PCI BIOS support enabled. The '970A
adds full duplex support along with some other features to the original
'970 design.
Note that the Boca implementation of the 79C970 fails on fast Pentium
machines. This is a hardware problem, as it affects DOS users as well.
See the Boca section for more details.