[Linux-Biella] european software patents
Paul TT
Fri, 04 Jul 2003 17:54:04 +0200
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The European Union is just about to vote total control over software
patents! If you want to avoid the police harassing you, please read the
summary here
then sign two petitions at http://petition.eurolinux.org and
http://petition.ffii.org <http://petition.ffii.org/eubsa/en>.
If you think all these efforts are in vain, then please tell your
nearest EU representative about the matter.
"...Been around this world so many times,
if you could only see my mind..."
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<font class="text"> The European Union is just about to vote total
control over software patents! If you want to avoid the police
harassing you, please read the summary <a
then sign two petitions at <a href="http://petition.eurolinux.org">http://petition.eurolinux.org</a>
and <a href="http://petition.ffii.org/eubsa/en">http://petition.ffii.org</a>.<br>
If you think all these efforts are in vain, then please tell your
nearest EU representative about the matter.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="78">--
"...Been around this world so many times,
if you could only see my mind..."