[Linux-Biella] 2.4.20 e' uscito ;-)

Claudio linux@bilug.linux.it
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 10:16:57 +0100

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 10:12:59 +0100
CIARROCCHI Paolo <Paolo.CIARROCCHI@vodafoneomnitel.it> wrote:

CP> List:     linux-kernel
CP> Subject:  linux-2.4.20 released
CP> From:     Marcelo Tosatti <marcelo@hera.kernel.org>
CP> Date:     2002-11-28 23:54:56
CP> [Download message RAW]
CP> final:
CP> - 2.4.20-rc4 was released as 2.4.20 with no changes.

Confermo, da kernel.org
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.4.20


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