[Linux-Biella] DigiNotar compromessa!!!
Cristiano Deana
cris a deana.it
Mar 6 Set 2011 22:20:33 CEST
2011/9/6 Daniele Segato <daniele.bilug a gmail.com>:
> e se quel che dice è vero e quella è la password di amministrazione
> allora erano davvero dei coglioni quelli di DigiNotar.... come si fa a
> mettere una password del genere ad un server tanto importante?!
Se quello che dice è vero.. beh, dai... la password è il meno:
"I'll talk technical details of hack later, I don't have time now...
How I got access to 6 layer network behind internet servers of
DigiNotar, how I found passwords, how I got SYSTEM privilage in fully
patched and up-to-date system, how I bypassed their nCipher NetHSM,
their hardware keys, their RSA certificate manager, their 6th layer
internal "CERT NETWORK" which have no ANY connection to internet, how
I got full remote desktop connection when there was firewalls that
blocked all ports except 80 and 443 and doesn't allow Reverse or
direct VNC connections, more and more and more..."
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