[Linux-Biella] Problema con scanner

Fiorenza Meini Bilug f.meini a bilug.linux.it
Mar 8 Nov 2011 23:17:13 CET

presso il laboratorio informatico di Netro capita una cosa strana con lo 
scanner: viene correttamente riconosciuto (come si può vedere da quanto 
allego dopo), ma il software di scansione non lo trova. Riporto quanto 
fatto da Michele:

Ho installato Xane e all'avvio mi dà questo messaggio:
Non è possibile aprire il dispositivo 'snapscan:libusb:001:002':
l'argomento non è valido

In precedenza, da shell, ho copiato questo:

PRIMO COMANDO: sane-find-scanner
insegnante a server:~$ sane-find-scanner

   # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
   # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
   # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

   # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure
   # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x011f [EPSON Scanner])
at libusb:001:002
   # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be
supported by
   # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

   # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

   # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
   # can't be detected by this program.

   # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you
   # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as
   # necessary.


insegnante a server:~$ scanimage -L
device `snapscan:libusb:001:002' is a EPSON EPSON Scanner flatbed scanner
insegnante a server:~$

Avete per caso qualche suggerimento in merito ?



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