[Linux-Biella] irc bilug

Daniele Segato daniele.bilug a gmail.com
Mar 17 Maggio 2011 17:01:45 CEST

2011/5/17 Daniele Segato <daniele.bilug a gmail.com>:
> possiamo registrare ##bilug anche se #bilug sarebbe la nomenclatura
> per i canali "ufficiali"

da #freenode

[16:54]  <mastroDani> Hi, can I register a channel that is not
registered to me but is not used for more then 4 years?
[16:55]  * Emily (~emily a wikipedia/RandomStringOfCharacters) è entrato
in #freenode
[16:55]  * xnt14 è uscito (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:55]  <thumbs> mastroDani: what channel?
[16:55]  <Kays> peace_be: /msg NickServ INFO
[16:55]  <mastroDani> thumbs, #bilug
[16:55]  <thumbs> mastroDani: see
http://freenode.net/group_registration.shtml and
if you need to regain access to the channel
[16:56]  <thumbs> mastroDani: read
http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming to see how freenode
treats topical and non-topical channels
[16:56]  * ilogical è uscito (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:56]  <peace_be> hmkay ty
[16:56]  <mastroDani> thumbs, I already know how to register a channel
I don't know "how can I take over a registered channel that hasn't
been used in a long time"
[16:56]  <thumbs> mastroDani: you can register ##bilug instead
[16:56]  <thumbs> mastroDani: to take over #bilug, you need to file a
grf, as per the links.
[16:57]  * MC8 (~chippy a wikimedia/Microchip08) è entrato in #freenode
[16:58]  <mastroDani> thumbs, it should be a primary channel :) what
about this grf? what I have to do exactly?
[16:58]  <thumbs> mastroDani: see
http://freenode.net/group_registration.shtml and
if you need to regain access to the channel
[16:58]  <Kays> mastroDani: use the links
[16:58]  <mastroDani> thank you very much
[16:58]   kamokow KamusHadenes kancerman karl katesmith Kays
[16:58]   TheControlVoice TheEvilPhoenix TheGeek1024 TheMaverick`
themill TheOV thumbs
[16:58]  <mastroDani> Kays, thumbs

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