[Linux-Biella] Associare modulo kernel ad uno specifico device

PaulTT paultt a bilug.linux.it
Gio 24 Mar 2011 15:45:38 CET

On 24/03/2011 15:24, f.meini a bilug.linux.it 說:
>> 2011/3/24<f.meini a bilug.linux.it>:
>>> No è il P212.
>> Sorry!
>>> Ce ne sono due montati sul server.
>>> Ora provo a cercare i parametri che si possono passare caricando il
>>> modulo
>>> hpsa.
>> Spiegazione qui:
>> http://cciss.sourceforge.net/
>> In particolare:
>> "In the case of kernels with cciss and hpsa drivers which do have
>> overlapping sets of supported controllers, by default, cciss will
>> claim these devices if it is loaded prior to hpsa (which it normally
>> will be). If you're already running cciss on these devices, and
>> upgrade to a kernel containing the hpsa driver, you shouldn't have to
>> do anything, as cciss will continue to claim these devices. If you
>> would like to run hpsa instead, there is a new module parameter to
>> cciss, "cciss.cciss_allow_hpsa=1", which will cause the cciss driver
>> to ignore the controllers on the above list, which will permit the
>> hpsa driver to claim those devices. NOTE: The hpsa driver is a SCSI
>> driver, while the cciss driver is a block driver. This means that
>> logical drives which would be presented with devices nodes like
>> "/dev/cciss/c0d0", etc. will now be presented as "/dev/sda", etc."
>> Ciao,
>> --
>> Paolo
> Sì, in effetti vedo che c'è il parametro facendo modinfo cciss:
> .
> .
> .
> parm:           cciss_allow_hpsa:Prevent cciss driver from accessing
> hardware known to be  supported by the hpsa driver (int)
> Come faccio a dire a modprobe di passare quel parametro per il controller
> che mi interessa, cioè solo quello dell'Ultrium?
basta che aggiungi in un file dentro a /etc/modprobe.d una riga siffatta:
options cciss cciss_allow_hpsa=1
oppure nel boot passi
come parametro

I had a queen high
straight on the river

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