[Linux-Biella] Associare modulo kernel ad uno specifico device
Paolo Ciarrocchi
paolo.ciarrocchi a gmail.com
Gio 24 Mar 2011 14:58:34 CET
2011/3/24 <f.meini a bilug.linux.it>:
> No è il P212.
> Ce ne sono due montati sul server.
> Ora provo a cercare i parametri che si possono passare caricando il modulo
> hpsa.
Spiegazione qui:
In particolare:
"In the case of kernels with cciss and hpsa drivers which do have
overlapping sets of supported controllers, by default, cciss will
claim these devices if it is loaded prior to hpsa (which it normally
will be). If you're already running cciss on these devices, and
upgrade to a kernel containing the hpsa driver, you shouldn't have to
do anything, as cciss will continue to claim these devices. If you
would like to run hpsa instead, there is a new module parameter to
cciss, "cciss.cciss_allow_hpsa=1", which will cause the cciss driver
to ignore the controllers on the above list, which will permit the
hpsa driver to claim those devices. NOTE: The hpsa driver is a SCSI
driver, while the cciss driver is a block driver. This means that
logical drives which would be presented with devices nodes like
"/dev/cciss/c0d0", etc. will now be presented as "/dev/sda", etc."
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