[Linux-Biella] per chi usa claws...

PaulTT paultt a bilug.linux.it
Lun 1 Ago 2011 11:46:05 CEST

On 01/08/2011 11:45, PaulTT 說:
> On 01/08/2011 11:25, leonardo buffa 說:
>> On Mon, 01 Aug 2011 11:07:06 +0200
>> PaulTT<paultt a bilug.linux.it>  wrote:
>>> aptt-get install clawsker
>> beh se poi dici anche che fa :D
> apt-cachw show clawsker
> non c'e' da te? ;P
no non credo
magari invece
apt-cache show clawsker
dovrebbe esserci :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

This is probably one big reason why GIT and I don’t get on so well;
it’s written for somebody else’s use case where the most common use
case is committing nothing.

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