[Linux-Biella] per chi ha un iPhone o iPad
Jumping Jack
jumpingjack a mclink.it
Dom 24 Apr 2011 18:04:02 CEST
On 24/04/2011 17:35, PaulTT wrote:
> On 22/04/2011 02:41, Federico "Darkmagister" Pietta ?:
>> http://radar.oreilly.com/2011/04/apple-location-tracking.html
>> non parla di linux ma penso sia interessante ....
> in other news:
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20056344-281.html
> e lol:
> "Not only is the log stored on the device itself (...), but it's
> typically backed up on the computer to which it's synchronized."
> bello itunes! :D
> non che androidi e mirtilli sian da meno:
> "The U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, even pays for training
> <http://spanish.bogota.usembassy.gov/root/pdfs/nas-pdf/cursosseguridadponalapril14.pdf>
> for local counter-narcotics agents to learn about iPhone and
> BlackBerry forensics."
> FYI pare che anche android registri vari log di locazione
> ovviamente il tutto ad insaputa dell'utente
Beh, trattandosi di Google, lo darei per scontato :P
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