[Linux-Biella] casella di posta]

Cristiano Deana cris a deana.it
Gio 2 Set 2010 16:38:15 CEST

2010/9/2 PaulTT <paultt a bilug.linux.it>:

> manco sapevo esistessero sti qui....
> strano che gugol non gli rompa le balle, visto che chiaramente sfruttano
> il nome gmail per attirar gente....
> a meno che non esistessero prima e allora no capisco perche' loro non
> abbian rotto le balle a gugol....

Domain:             gmail.it
Status:             ACTIVE
Created:            2000-05-05 00:00:00

Da wikipedia:
Gmail is a free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP[1]
service provided by Google.[2][3] Gmail was launched as an
invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004[4] and it became
available to the general public on February 7, 2007, though still in
beta status at that time.

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