[Linux-Biella] mplayer losing frames when playing online streaming on fullscreen
Marcello Tescari
marcello.tescari a gmail.com
Ven 1 Gen 2010 13:31:07 CET
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 10:22 PM, <vallini.daniele a bilug.linux.it> wrote:
> Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 05:46:28PM +0100 Marcello Tescari ha scritto:
> > Hey guys,
> > I realized today that for no reasons when I am attempting to watch
> online
> > TV through mplayer plugin for firefox, video goes smooth just as long
> as I
> > watch it inside a frame.
> > If I decide to switch to fullscreen it starts slowing down and get
> stuck
> > once in a while.
> > Any suggestions? I tried with various streaming without any
> difference.
> > Running ubuntu 9.10 on a amd 64 with 2gb ram.
> > Thanks and happy new year to everyone
> > Marcello
> Surely the network is working right?
> Happy new year.
Definitely, becuase when it plays inside the browser it doesn't slow down
this way. And if I play the streaming with VLC neither.
I just don't use VLC as main plugin because it does not support as many
formats as mplayer
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