[Linux-Biella] errore compilazione
Daniele Vallini
vallini.daniele a bilug.linux.it
Ven 6 Feb 2009 15:35:44 CET
Il Thu, 5 Feb 2009 23:54:12 +0100
Mattia Rossi <mattia a technologist.com> ha scritto:
> Dal readme di jptvx:
> jpvtx is based on dvbtext by Dave Chapman.
Non vale ! nel mio README questo non c'e', ho solo questo:
This is for budget cards! Like wintv nova, or Skystar2.
jpvtx passes stdin to stdout, so you can pipe data through it:
Script to view BC-Prime encrypted:
dvbstream -f 11131 -p v -s 5632 -o 8192 | jpvtx | jpcam -p 5001 | xine -
In this example jpvtx reads ~/jpcam_pids to find teletext pids.
The teletext is always in the clear BTW:
dvbstream -f 11131 -p v -s 5632 -o 8192 | jpvtx 258 > /dev/zero
In this example 258 is the teletext pid.
script to view VOX on 13 East:
rm /video/vtx/1/*
dvbstream -f 11054 -p h -s 27500 502 -o | jpvtx 502 | xine -
now start the teletext viewer:
> .. non sei riuscito a scaricare da cvs il programma originario
> (dvbtext) ?
Dalla rete ho scaricato dvbtext non e' una versione recente ma dopo il 2004 non
ho piu' trovato nulla
La tua versione e' la medesima con questa nota?:
NOTE: DVBtext uses the DVB driver's "new api". You need to have the
correct devices created under /dev/ost/. If you don't have these, run
the "makedev.napi" script in the DVB/driver directory.
Quel makedev.api non e' compreso, dove lo hai trovato?
Creare a mano quei devices non mi pare consigliabile.
vallini.daniele a bilug.linux.it
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