[Linux-Biella] [OT] Windows 7
Paolo Ciarrocchi
paolo.ciarrocchi a gmail.com
Mer 4 Feb 2009 14:20:20 CET
2009/2/4 Raffaele Salmaso <raffaele.salmaso a gmail.com>:
> Paolo Ciarrocchi wrote:
>>> interessante:
>>> "These engineering investments allow small notebook PCs to run any
>>> version of Windows 7, and allow customers complete flexibility to
>>> purchase a system which meets their needs. *For OEMs that build
>>> lower-cost small notebook PCs, Windows 7 Starter will now be available
>>> in developed markets*. For the most enhanced, full-functioning Windows
>>> experience on small notebook PCs, however, consumers will want to go
>>> with Windows 7 Home Premium, which lets you get the most out of your
>>> digital media and easily connect with other PCs."
>>> Mi sembra che abbia confermato che il default previsto sia win 7 starter
>>> edition (cioè la versione castrata)...
>> No.
>> "Windows 7 Starter will now be available in developed markets"
>> e seguendo il link contenuto nell'articolo:
>> " We'll also continue to offer Windows Starter edition, which will
>> only be offered pre-installed by an OEM. Windows Starter edition will
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> now be available worldwide. This edition is available only in the OEM
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> channel on new PCs limited to specific types of hardware."
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> Vogliono proporre questa versione per i mercati emergenti (developed
>> markets) evidentemente puntando ad un costo bassissimo.
> Certo, certo...
> Ma hai *anche* letto o no?
> Poi, tanto per dire, 'developed markets' sono i paesi più
> industrializzati con un mercato sviluppato, non quelli del terzo mondo.
Non ho mai parlato di terzo mondo, gli ho definiti mercati emergenti.
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