[Linux-Biella] Magliette

Andrea Musuruane musuruan a gmail.com
Ven 12 Set 2008 14:07:33 CEST

2008/9/12 Paul TT <paultt a bilug.linux.it>:
> e gia' che oggi son piu' bravo:
> http://www.ubiqx.org/cifs/rfc-draft/draft-leach-cifs-v1-spec-02.txt
> http://www.snia.org/tech_activities/CIFS

Ma i link che mando li riesci a leggere?

"Perhaps the
most useful document is "draft-leach-cifs-v1-spec-02.txt" from 1997
which is a protocol specification released by SNIA and authored
primarily by Microsoft (with significant input from many other people,
including myself). This document has expired as an IETF draft, and
Microsoft has dropped their attempts to get CIFS accepted as an IETF
standard, but the document is still available if you look hard enough
with an internet search engine."

Continua pure a trollare.



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