[Linux-Biella] Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] Git User's Survey 2008
Paolo Ciarrocchi
paolo.ciarrocchi a gmail.com
Lun 1 Set 2008 09:54:11 CEST
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakub Narebski <jnareb a gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 11:29 PM
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Git User's Survey 2008
To: git a vger.kernel.org
Cc: linux-kernel a vger.kernel.org
Hi all,
We would like to ask you a few questions about your use of the Git
version control system. This survey is mainly to understand who is
using Git, how and why.
The results will be published to the Git wiki and discussed on the git
mailing list.
The survey would be open from 1 September till 10 October.
Please devote a few minutes of your time to fill this simple
questionnaire, it will help a lot the git community to understand your
needs, what you like of git, and of course what you don't like of it.
The survey can be found here:
Git Development Community
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