[Linux-Biella] disco LAN lacie

leonardo LeOS buffa leonardo.buffa a bilug.it
Mar 1 Lug 2008 12:22:55 CEST

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 12:09:08 +0200
"Paolo Ciarrocchi" <paolo.ciarrocchi a gmail.com> wrote:

> 2008/7/1 leonardo LeOS buffa <leonardo.buffa a bilug.it>:
> [...]
> > io tornerei alla domanda di prima: qualuno mi fa 'sta prova?
> Io no ;-)
> Ma ti quoto chi li ha fatti:
> "In our tests, we saw transfer speeds - both read and write - of no
> less than 6MB/s (about 48mbps) on a local 10/100 network and around
> 8-10MB/s average (64-80mbps) on a gigabit network. These speeds are
> average for our test network. Your speeds may vary."

deduco quindi che i miei risultati sono compatibili

grassie mille

ciao, leo

leonardo 'LeOS' buffa
IT security consultant

human knowledge belongs to the world
Linux Registered User: #135079

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