[Linux-Biella] Da /. - preoccupante o fuffa a scopo pubblicitario?

Alessandro Crotti sandrinux.c a gmail.com
Mer 13 Ago 2008 09:21:08 CEST


"Kris Kaspersky will demonstrate how attackers can target flaws in
Intel microprocessors to remotely attack a computer using JavaScript
or TCP/IP packets, regardless of OS. The demo will be presented at the
Hack In The Box Security Conference in Kuala Lumpur in October and
will show how processor bugs can be exploited using certain
instruction sequences and a knowledge of how Java compilers work,
allowing an attacker to take control of the compiler. The demonstrated
attack will be made against fully patched computers running a range of
OSes, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server
2008, Linux, and BSD. An attack against a Mac is also a possibility."


Alessandro [sandrinux] Crotti
Linux Counter #306863

Se usate Outlook Express, siete pregati (per il mio bene) di NON
registrare il mio indirizzo nella rubrica.
E vi consiglio (per il vostro bene) di cambiare il client per la posta
elettronica o, meglio ancora, il sistema operativo ;-)

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