[Linux-Biella] dns???

leonardo LeOS buffa leonardo.buffa a bilug.it
Lun 11 Ago 2008 09:44:31 CEST

On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 16:28:27 +0200
emanuele scopel <escopel a alice.it> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> mi succede questo:
> Cerco di aprire la pagina thepiratebay.org e...


Fascist state censors Pirate Bay

We're quite used to fascist countries not allowing freedom of speech. A
lot of smaller nations that have dictators decide to block our site
since we can help spread information that could be harmful to the

non commento, direi che l'ignoranza dimostrata in questa affermazione
e' piu' che sufficiente

leonardo 'LeOS' buffa
IT security consultant

human knowledge belongs to the world
Linux Registered User: #135079

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