[Linux-Biella] Chumby, cute wifi device running Linux

Federico 'Phate' Pistono fppain a gmail.com
Mer 27 Giu 2007 11:03:44 CEST

On 6/26/07, leonardo LeOS buffa <leos a bilug.linux.it> wrote:
> mi sembra decisamente un po' troppo per una sveglia che ti consente di
> leggere le news mentre fai la pupu'

Chumby is a small, wifi-enabled linux hardware device is designed to
be hacked and changed by its owners.
[...] Users can now run music or video over the Internet and play it
on the Chumby.

OK, non e' l'iphone, ma e' davvero carino. Guardi video, ascolti
musica, lo SCHIACCI e lo puoi anche hackare.  :)

Federico Pistono   Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
Linux Registered User #340392

Time is merely an illusion, albeit I'm often fooled by it.

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