[Linux-Biella] Java runtime

Federico Pistono federicopistono a gmail.com
Mar 5 Giu 2007 15:37:19 CEST

On 6/5/07, Raffaele Salmaso <raffaele.salmaso a gmail.com> wrote:
> Federico Pistono wrote:
> > Cmq ho pensato che fosse meglio fare un `which mencoder` nello script
> > che lanciava il server activatable, cosi' mi becco il path assoluto e
> > posso non usare quell'orribile ALLFILES nel policy.
> eh?

public void checkExec(String cmd)

    Throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to
create a subprocess.

    This method is invoked for the current security manager by the
exec methods of class Runtime.

    This method calls checkPermission with the
FilePermission(cmd,"execute") permission if cmd is an absolute path,
otherwise it calls checkPermission with FilePermission("<<ALL

Federico Pistono   Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
Linux Registered User #340392

Time is merely an illusion, albeit I'm often fooled by it.

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