[Linux-Biella] Fw: [rt.internal.openmoko.org #3113] openmoko phoneand data transfer

paultt a bilug.linux.it paultt a bilug.linux.it
Mer 18 Lug 2007 11:29:36 CEST

> purtroppo non ci sono buonissime notizie...
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:16:05 +0200
> From: "Joachim Steiger via RT" <inquiry a openmoko.org>
> To: leos a bilug.linux.it
> Subject: [rt.internal.openmoko.org #3113] openmoko phone and data
> transfer
>> [leos a bilug.linux.it - Wed Jul 11 12:55:42 2007]:
>> hi all
>> I'm browsing openmoko site with a big temptation to buy the neo1973
>> my only problem is that, as I can see in hw specs, it doesn't support
>> umts and hsdpa
>> is there any plan to build a newer hw wersion that will support it?
> thanks for your support
> GTA02 will still be 2g/gprs
> besides that i cannot release any future plans right now.
> we all want 3g ;)

indi _bisogna_ comparlo e intanto chiedere il 3g, cosi' li si finanzia, e
la gta03 lo avra'... :PPPPPP
se scopri se qualcuno ha provato una sim italiana e ha preso la linea (non
pretendo la telefonata) fa un fiskio che lo ordino cmq :)

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