[Linux-Biella] Caro Pat ti scrivo...

Andrea Ferraris andrea.ferraris a gmail.com
Mar 25 Dic 2007 19:14:59 CET

LeOS, sceglie il sistema operativo giusto nel momento giusto.

Da distrowatch:

"As for other main distributions, Slackware Linux continued its quiet
existence - little changed during the 15 or so years since it was
conceived. It made just one release in 2007 (version 12.0), which was
reflected by the solitary(!) news update on its web site. Luckily
though, the Slackware "Current" changelog keeps moving as fast as ever.
In the meantime, Gentoo Linux had another disappointing year. It was the
first time in the project's history that it managed just one stable
release in a calendar year (assuming that no new version shows up before
31 December), while its news page offered only marginally more updates
than Slackware's. The excellent Gentoo Weekly News was quietly abandoned
in the second half of the year. Once a highly respected and rapidly
evolving distribution, Gentoo Linux is now increasingly a niche product
- technically excellent, but nowhere near as enticing as it was just a
few years ago."

Comunque, se proprio ci vuoi insistere potresti vedere anche Funtoo:

Oppure, meglio, almeno dal punto di vista di distrowatch e per uno che
usa BSD, anche se Open per lavoro:

"Which of the smaller distributions shined this year? Enough has been
said already about PCLinuxOS, an unlikely distribution that ends the
year 2007 on top of DistroWatch's Page Hit Ranking statistics. Perhaps
one distribution that arguably deserves most the "biggest mover and
shaker" title of the year is Linux Mint. This unpretentious project
achieved more in one year than many better established distros in
several, especially in its ability to attract less technical computer
users and convert them to Linux. Granted, Linux Mint is mostly Ubuntu
with a new face, some desktop enhancements and a handful of
administration tools, but the sheer enthusiasm of its developers and
community make up for any shortcomings of the small project. The second
operating system worth mentioning here is PC-BSD; like Linux Mint, it
has grown by heaps and bounds in terms of work that turned an ultra-geek
operating system into a real BSD desktop alternative."

Il sito sarebbe: http://www.pcbsd.org/



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