[Linux-Biella] sourceforge mailng lists
Paul TT
paultt a bilug.linux.it
Ven 15 Set 2006 18:41:33 CEST
mandando una mail a una lista su sf.net mi viene risposto cio':
451 4.7.1 Please try again later 451-Could not complete sender verify
callout for <unindirizzoqualsiasi a paultt.org>. 451-The mail server(s)
for the domain may be temporarily unreachable, or 451-they may be
permanently unreachable from this server. In the latter case, 451-you
need to change the address or create an MX record for its domain 451-if
it is supposed to be generally accessible from the Internet. 451 Talk to
your mail administrator for details. (in reply to RCPT TO command))
dove unindirizzoqualsiasi e' il mittente a paultt.org
qualcuno sa cosa puo' essere?
PS non ho ancora cercato in giro che non cio' tempo ora
- You wouldn't wanna be with a girl with an oversized clit?
- No! 'cause the next step is a guy with an undersized dick!
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