[Linux-Biella] Xorg-X11 non è installato.. ma è possibile???

Daniele (Mastro) daniele.bilug a gmail.com
Lun 6 Nov 2006 19:13:10 CET

Hash: SHA1

# emerge -av x11

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors-0.3.1  1,168 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xdriinfo-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 79 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xdm-1.1.0  USE="ipv6 pam xprint -debug" 371 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/libXprintAppUtil-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 203 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xsetroot-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 75 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xcursorgen-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 80 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-themes/xcursor-themes-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 2,204 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/libFS-1.0.0  USE="ipv6 -debug" 231 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/libXevie-1.0.2  USE="-debug" 222 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xhost-1.0.1  USE="ipv6 -debug" 87 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.0.2  USE="-debug" 82 kB
[ebuild  N    ] media-fonts/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.0  USE="X nls" 1,039 kB
[ebuild  N    ] app-doc/xorg-docs-1.2  USE="-debug -doc" 8,132 kB
[ebuild  N    ] media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.1  USE="X" 203 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xrandr-1.0.2  USE="-debug" 78 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-apps/xmodmap-1.0.2  USE="-debug" 92 kB
[ebuild  N    ] media-fonts/font-bh-type1-1.0.0  USE="X" 562 kB
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/xorg-x11-7.1  0 kB   <-----------------------
etichettato come nuovo.. così come tutto il resto.. com'è possibile?
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/liboldX-1.0.1  USE="-debug" 210 kB
[ebuild  N    ] virtual/x11-7.0-r2  USE="dri" 0 kB

Total size of downloads: 15,128 kB

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] n

qualcosa mi sfugge di certo... non dovrebbe essere installato????

xorg-server è installato

xorg-x11 no... in nessuna versione..
o almeno questo risulta al sistema di installazione di gentoo...

ma è possibile????
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