[Linux-Biella] Problema con dialog

Federico Pistono fppain a gmail.com
Ven 5 Maggio 2006 07:40:00 CEST

Ptt argui':

> ehm, come dirtelo... le righe sono diverse dalla riga che avevi scritto
> tu... prova e vedi se funge....

Ptt scrisse:
$ cat ptt_b
dialog --backtitle "$PGM v$VERSION - $AUTOR $DATE " --title "Menu"
--menu "$1" 0 0 0 `echo -e $@ | sed -e 's/__/\"/g'` 2>/tmp/menu.$$

Pain Scrisse:
$ cat pain_b
dialog --backtitle "$PGM v$VERSION - $AUTOR $DATE " --title "Menu"
--menu "$1" 0 0 0 `echo -e $@ | sed -e 's/__/\"/g'` 2>/tmp/menu.$$

$ cmp pain_b ptt_b


Federico Pistono   Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
http://www.federicopistono.org :: http://pain.altervista.org/flatnukeuwcad/
http://pain.altervista.org :: Linux Registered User #340392

"Just remember....you were a n00b yourself once..."
"Speak for yourself. After my mother re-partitioned her drive and
mounted the smaller one at "/womb" I was compiled from source."

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