[Linux-Biella] Problema con dialog

Paul TT paultt a bilug.linux.it
Gio 4 Maggio 2006 19:03:19 CEST

Federico Pistono wrote:

> On 5/4/06, Paul TT <paultt a bilug.linux.it> wrote:

dialog --backtitle "$PGM v$VERSION - $AUTOR $DATE " --title "Menu"
--menu "$1" 0 0 0 '$WHAT' 2>/tmp/menu.$$


o meglio:
dialog --backtitle "$PGM v$VERSION - $AUTOR $DATE " --title "Menu" --menu "$1"
0 0 0 `echo -e $@ | sed -e 's/__/\"/g'` 2>/tmp/menu.$$

Vista should not be confused with Windows Longhorn, the codename for
Macintosh OS 10.4 "Tiger", released in April 2005.

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