[Linux-Biella] Google earth per linux

Cristiano Deana cris a deana.it
Mar 13 Giu 2006 10:00:42 CEST

"We're very happy to announce that the a new version of Google Earth has been 
released. It features 3D textured buildings, some neat UI updates, better 
internationalization and, with this release, a native Linux version is 
available for download as well. 


Scaricato ed installato su freebsd e funziona. A questo punto win non mi serve 

Cristiano Deana - FreeCRIS
"Ho iniziato a usare FreeBSD perche' m$ usava me. ed e' spiacevole"
[cris|crs] in irc su: irc.azzurra.org #freebsd-it #qmail-it

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