[Linux-Biella] When Linux gets inspired by Mac OS X
Paul TT
paultt a bilug.linux.it
Mar 14 Feb 2006 00:59:29 CET
Federico Pistono wrote:
>Molto carino, si bullano parecchio ma sembra a merito...
>Novell has just presented the next version of their NLD (Novell Linux
>Desktop). The Novell distribution is based on SuSE Linux. Multimedia
>management has been developed for this release, particularly support
>for the iPod Nano (thanks to a mp3 player which was developed in-house
>and has been released as OpenSource), as well as cameras where in a
>few clicks photos can be published online.
>But the biggest surprise is the new graphic interface which uses
>OpenGL to create effects which you are all too familiar with, like
>window transparency, switching desktops using a large rotating cube,
>or creating a thumbnail view of a window.
eheheh come dissi all'altra mail, xgl era' gia' visto in giro... :-))))))))
che e' sta roba dell'ipod? gtkpod lo supporta benissimo da mo'....
"Tutti in piedi sul divano!"
"si e' cristallizzata la dimensione spaziotempo..."
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