[Linux-Biella] When Linux gets inspired by Mac OS X

Federico Pistono fppain a gmail.com
Dom 12 Feb 2006 19:26:23 CET

Molto carino, si bullano parecchio ma sembra a merito...

Novell has just presented the next version of their NLD (Novell Linux
Desktop). The Novell distribution is based on SuSE Linux. Multimedia
management has been developed for this release, particularly support
for the iPod Nano (thanks to a mp3 player which was developed in-house
and has been released as OpenSource), as well as cameras where in a
few clicks photos can be published online.
But the biggest surprise is the new graphic interface which uses
OpenGL to create effects which you are all too familiar with, like
window transparency, switching desktops using a large rotating cube,
or creating a thumbnail view of a window.

Video dimostrativi.

  Federico Pistono
  Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
  My website ::::::::::::::::: http://www.federicopistono.org
  My personal website :::: http://pain.altervista.org
  Ex-College Website ::::: http://pain.altervista.org/flatnukeuwcad/
  Linux Registered User :: #340392
   "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
    thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

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