[Linux-Biella] twinning proposal

leonardo 'LeOS' buffa leos a bilug.linux.it
Gio 10 Ago 2006 14:30:30 CEST

hi Big Island LUG!

just to inform you there is another "BILUG" in the world: we are
members of "BiLUG" (BIella Linux User Group), Biella is a little town in
north italy

few days ago we were going to register our new domain (bilug.it) and
while we were looking for available tld we found your .org :)

we are a group of about 20 active people, (80 if we count non active ML
members) and we are open source enthusiast!

well we are proud to know there's a LUG called like our in a so
wonderful place!

keep in touch, LeOS

leonardo 'LeOS' buffa
IT security consultant
www.bilug.linux.it - president

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