[Linux-Biella] che ne pensato della microsoft
Federico Pistono
fppain a gmail.com
Mer 28 Dic 2005 15:59:31 CET
On 28/12/05, Cristiano Deana <cris a deana.it> wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 December 2005 09:00, dave wrote:
> > Credo che a differenza di Google che ha un modo di fare, a mio avviso,
> > etico,
> certo, e le marmotte che incartano la cioccolata... [cit.]
Federico Pistono
Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
My website ::::::::::::::::: http://www.federicopistono.org
My personal website :::: http://pain.altervista.org
Ex-College Website ::::: http://pain.altervista.org/flatnukeuwcad/
Linux Registered User :: #340392
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
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