[Linux-Biella] Con Tar ho : Impossibile stat: No such file or
directory tar
vito.detoma a email.it
Gio 14 Ott 2004 16:29:26 CEST
Cristiano Deana ha scritto:
> On Thursday 14 October 2004 16:00, EMAIL_Vito_De_Toma wrote:
> No, devi far vedere lo script dove ci sara' un macroscopico errore di
> battitura.
Come gentile richiesta ecco lo script:
DOW=`date +%w`
DATE=`date +%D`
DAY=`date +%A`
DEVICE="/dev/st0" # Rewinding tape drive
NDEVICE="/dev/nst0" # non-rewinding tape drive
REWIND="mt -f $DEVICE rewind"
EOD="mt -f $NDEVICE eod"
FSF="mt -f $NDEVICE fsf"
MAILLIST="root,ced a rc.comune.biella.it." # list of users to
receive backup notice
# Crea il backup full giornaliero
echo $DATE >> /tmp/backup.txt
tar -cvWf $NDEVICE /archivio/ >>/tmp/backup.txt
/usr/bin/mail $MAILLIST < /tmp/backup.txt
rm -f /tmp/backup.txt
Spero possa essere utile..
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