[Linux-Biella] che distro per P200?
Wed, 23 Jun 2004 17:16:21 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Marco Ermini [mailto:markoer@markoer.org]
> [...]
>> The question is:
>> " Is a preemptive kernel (meaning a 2.6 kernel with the relative
>> config option set to Y) a boost for desktop users or it has
>> to be used in order to improve the scalabily (meaning NUMA and CPU hot
>> plug) ?"
>> What is the main goal of a preemptive kernel from a user pointview ?
> It is to improve the average scheduling latency of the system, which is
> a plus to desktop, real-time, multimedia and embedded users.
> It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with scalability.
> Hope this helps!
> Robert Love
#insert BALLETTO
"threshold ha sempre ragione!" ;-)