[Linux-Biella] stoganosaurus
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 17:24:08 +0200
"Andrea Ferraris" <andrea_ferraris@libero.it> schrieb am 04.06.04 01:45:17:
> Hi,
> I installed your good Unxutils and I appreciate the speed in comparison with
> Cygwin. I found really interesting also some ones like agrep and stego, but
> I couldn't find the source of this latter in the CVS. Can I download it
> somewhere? On which algorithm is it based?
> Thx if you could reply, best regards anyway,
Uh, it really not there. Nobody ever noticed it.
It is Steganosaurus from
(I thing, the only think I did was to set the file open modes to binary to make
it work.)
There also is a lot of steganographic software at
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