[Linux-Biella] Sed
Paul TT
Thu, 05 Feb 2004 13:12:33 +0100
Claudio M. wrote:
>On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 11:20:15 +0100
>"CIARROCCHI, Paolo, VF-IT" <Paolo.CIARROCCHI@vodafone.com> wrote:
>>bash-2.05$ sed s/uno/`printf "unoooooo\t1"`/ pippo.txt
>forse dico una sciocchezza ma fare
>sed s/uno/unoooooo\t1/ pippo.txt
>non funziona????
non proprio, devi mettere almeno:
sed "s/uno/unoooooo\t1/" pippo.txt
se no la sh sosituisce lei il \t
pero' e' piu' corto e funge. viva il presidente! :-)
It was software, in cyberspace...
There was no system core.
It can not be shut down.
The attack began on 6:18 PM...