[Linux-Biella] openoffice e importa file
Paul TT
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 23:54:56 +0200
Luigidigi wrote:
> I use Sid because I'm the way I am: reckless, I want to have the
> latest, fly with the eagles, I actually enjoy getting in trouble.
io uso sid per scaricarmi i sorgenti e sarge per i pacchetti binari
cosi' da essere abbastanza stabile e se voglio mi compilo la robbbba
> [...]
> Sorry for the length of the reply, my wife is always complaining i'm
> too quiet, except when it comes to LINUX! :))
> Later,
> Luigi
alllallh ihba uca mula allalllllalaala qae qa lah (*)
che in arabo vuol dire:
non avrei saputo spiegarmi meglio,
che in italiano vuol dire:
i couldn't explain it better,
che in russo vuol dire.... e chi cacchio lo sa il russo?!?!?!?!?
Ben Venuto in lista cmq!!!!! o anche Benvenuto!!
It was software, in cyberspace...
There was no system core.
It can not be shut down.
The attack began on 6:18 PM...