[Linux-Biella] [Fwd: questions]
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 13:50:00 +0100
Abbozzo delle risposte.
1. What was the starting stage of raising popularity of Linux in your
country? When the process started and how was it like?
Non lo so...
2. What are the opportunities of supporting Linux users? I mean if there are
any active LUGs - what is its main role, interesting Linux portals, any
seminars, cons, active mailing lists or so. Is it possible to hear some news
focusing on Linux on a TV or radio broadcast? What about newbies and
starters, is there enough place to support them too?
Gruppo di riferimento www.linux.it, da li si dovrebbero
trovare tutti i LUG.
Pochissimo in TV, niente alla radio, qualcosa in ambito riviste.
3. What is the position of Linux in the education process and in the
academic field? If you compare it to a Microsoft position in education
system, are there any changes last time leading to a raise of knowledge
regarding to Linux?
Poche eccezioni al monopolio M$ in ambito "education".
Nel biellese possiamo parlare dell'ITIS, im ambito universitario invece
ci sono moltissime universita' che utilizzano Linux, poche che
lo utilizzano in corsi specifici.
4. What about linux in companies in the position of the base backend? Is it
commonly used just for the access to an internet, or is it commonly used
also in a position of fileservers, application servers and so?
Da quello che vedo utilizzato anche come fileserver, application
server etc, etc... Manca del tutto in ambito mission critical.
5. What is the situation like on the desktop field? Is Linux used here just
among the Linux fans, or is it possible to see some extensive
implementations? If possible some examples naming ompanies using it?
Non conosco compagnie italiane che utilizzano Linux in ambito
6. What about usage of linux on a government fied? Is it already implemented
here, or is this only idea of the far future. Are there running any research
projects focusing to this field?
Idea discussa piu' volte, nulla di concreto che io sappia.
7. As for the commercial applications focusing on a production field and
accounting. Are there any accessible products fitting needs of your country?
Are there any commercial companies developing applications targeting Linux
Non ne conosco.
8. What about localisation field of Linux? Are there any running projects
bringing users possibility to use linux using their native language?
Non ho capito la domanda...
9. Which distributions are the most popular in your country on the server
and on the desktop field? Can you name some which raised in your country?
Server: RH, SuSe, Debian
Desktop: RH, Mandrake, Gentoo ?
10. How many Linux users are expected in a percent amount to reside your
country? What are their experience levels like?
11. I hope there is a lot of specialists and developers in your country. Can
you name some of them with a short description of their projects and focus?
12. What about upcomming changes on the Linux field in your country? Will
the situation switch to a better state in the near future? Which fields
will it impact?
Si, miglioramenti in ambito "grandi aziende" ed in ambito
mission critical.
13. Is there active approach to an expansion of linux on all the fields in
your country? What about any running projects?
14. As for the internet connections. Is the global infrastructure wee
designed? Wheach means of data transpor are commonly used in the users
homes? dialup, isdn, commuted line, wifi....?
15. Any specialities regarding to linux and linux users in your country?
16. Anything else to add here from your point of view? We want to introduce
your country from the Linux side.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LeOS [mailto:leobuf@libero.it]
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:56 PM
> To: linux@bilug.linux.it
> Subject: [Linux-Biella] [Fwd: questions]
> mi ha contattato un tipo e mi ha detto ke sta raccogliendo
> informazioni
> sulla diffusione linux in giro per l'europa
> possiamo dirgli qualcosa?
> che gli raccontiamo?
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