[Linux-Biella] Siamo vicini al 2.6.0
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:07:55 +0100
Cito da: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=104552457430265&w=2
Hmm.. Mostly lots of small updates, although the merge with Andrew
included the RCU dcache patches from IBM that he has carried along for a
while (ie fairly fundamnetal, but also very well tested).
ARM, PPC, PPC64, alpha, kbuild.
Oh, and as a sign that 2.6.x really _is_ approaching, people have started
sending me spelling fixes. Kernel coders are apparently all atrocious
spellers, and for some reason the spelling police always comes out of the
woodwork when stable releases get closer.
Nessuno di voi a voglia di fare un po' di 'beta testing' ?
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