[Linux-Biella] dtp

redbear linux@bilug.linux.it
02 Feb 2003 10:10:44 +0100

giovedi sera si e' parlato di DTP ...emhhh non ricordo con chi:))
prova a vedere se fa al caso tuo scribus


Scribus is a Layout program for GNU/Linux®, similar to Adobe®
PageMaker™, QuarkXPress™ or Adobe® InDesign™, except that it is
published under the GNU GPL.

Currently, it is still in its early stages of development, but rapidly
maturing and very useable. Already, it has the ability to layout
newsletters, create corporate stationery, small posters and other
documents which need flexible layout and/or the ability to output to
professional quality imagesetting equipment. You can do all the typical
tasks like placing and rotating text and/or images on a page, specify
manual kerning of type and much more.

While the goals of the program are for ease of use and simple easy to
understand tools, Scribus offers support for professional publishing
features, such as CMYK color, easy PDF creation, Encapsulated Postscript
import/export and creation of color separations.

Graphic formats which can be placed include Ecapsulated Post Script
(eps), Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpeg), Portable Network
Graphics (png) and XPixMap(xpm)

Printing is done via its own internal Postscript driver, since the
driver supplied by Qt has limitations and no version has shown to be bug
free. The internal driver fully supports Level 2 Postscript constructs
and a limited subset of Level 3. This limitation is due to the lack of
complete support for Level 3 constructs within some versions of
ghostscript. The driver that ships with Scribus can embed fonts for
printing and you can use and output high resolution EPS files.

Other features include manual kerning of type and embedding fonts in
PDF's. The file format is based on XML,an open source file format, a
super set of HTML. Unlike proprietary binary file formats, even damaged
documents, may be partially recovered with a simple text editor -
sometimes a challenging problem with other page layout programs.

When run from the K Desktop Enviroment 3.x, Drag and Drop is enabled.
Thus,for example you can drag and drop from the desktop to the
pasteboard easily. There is a drag and drop scrapbook, which can contain
frequently used items including text blocks, pictures and custom shapes.

Currently, the most recent stable version 0.8 of Scribus supports both
True Type and Type1 Postscript fonts.